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Kevin Costner Ashton Kutcher

The Guardian: A Story of Courage and Redemption

High School Swim Champion Enrolls in US Coast Guard

Kevin Costner and Ashton Kutcher Star in Action-Adventure Film

A high school swim champion with a troubled past enrolls in the US Coast Guard in the 2006 American action-adventure drama film "The Guardian." Directed by Andrew Davis, the film stars Kevin Costner as Senior Chief Petty Officer Ben Randall and Ashton Kutcher as Airman Jake Fischer.

The plot follows Randall, a legendary rescue swimmer, as he trains Fischer at the US Coast Guard's Rescue Swimmer School. Fischer, a talented but troubled young man, initially struggles to adjust to the rigorous training and Randall's tough-love approach.

As Fischer overcomes his personal demons and embraces the challenges of the program, he and Randall develop a strong bond. Together, they face life-threatening situations and ultimately prove their worth as rescue swimmers.

The film also stars Sela Ward as Claire Randall, Ben's wife, and Melissa Sagemiller as Emily Thomas, a fellow rescue swimmer who becomes Fischer's love interest. "The Guardian" was a critical and commercial success, grossing over $129 million worldwide.
